DESTY Life Coaching Programme:

What is DESTY Goals?

The DESTY Goals programme is aimed at supporting young people (aged 11-14 years) to develop life skills to enable them to set and reach key goals in their lives.

DESTY Goals is a valuable online tool for young people that enables them to set, plan and achieve their own personal goals under the guidance of their trained DESTY Coach who may be an educational, social/health professional or a parent/carer. As a result of working through this programme young people will learn the steps involved in reaching new goals and overcoming challenges along the way.

The programme supports the uprooting of generational trauma by enabling young people to envision and create a better future.

Each DESTY Goals Package includes training, resources, ongoing support and access to the DESTY Goals online platform.

DESTY Goals Training:

The DESTY Goals Mentor training programme involves an online, self-paced, video-based training programme. During this training DESTY Mentors will learn the key skills to become an effective DESTY Mentor and will develop the competency and confidence to implement the DESTY Goals Programme with children and young people.

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Register Your Interest in the DESTY Goals Programme

Add your details if you would like to be one of the first people to hear about DESTY Goals when we launch in 2024

About the DESTY Goals Programme:

Upon enrolment, you will be given access to a comprehensive and interactive training course that consists of:

  • Video-based lessons, broken down into short, bite-sized sessions that you can complete at your own pace.

  • Resources to help you easily process the lessons.

  • A certificate upon completion.

  • Access to the DESTY Goals online platform upon completion of online training.

  • Ongoing support from our customer service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need to commit to completing the course?

The course has been designed for you to study at your own pace, whether you only have a few minutes a day to spare or if you would prefer a more intensive learning experience. There are 6 hours of course material in total, broken down into short video-based lessons. 

I’m a busy parent/carer/teacher, will I have time to complete this course?

Absolutely! Even if you can only spare 20 minutes a day, you should be able to complete the course in under 3 weeks.

I’m not good with technology, is this course for me?

Yes! You don’t need to be a technology expert to take the course, it’s easily accessible. Once you log into the course, you’ll see how simple the system is and how the easy the lessons are to follow. The team at DESTY are also with you every step of the way so you can reach out to us if there is anything you need support with.

What happens if I don’t understand something in the course or need assistance?

Don’t worry we are here to help you! We can offer you further support through our live chat feature, via email or you can even book a support call at no extra charge.

How long will I have access to the course for?

We will give you an initial 5-week period to complete this course, to encourage a 100% completion rate. If you feel like you may need longer to complete it, we are happy to give extensions. We will also send you an email once there are two weeks and two days left of access to give you the option to extend if necessary. 

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